Friends of the Foundation
This is the Foundation’s most prestigious award. It honors a person or persons who have established a fund or funds at the Foundation and given to them generously and/or consistently over the years; someone who has given generously to existing funds at the foundation; and/ or someone who helps promote the mission of the Community Foundation through their giving and volunteerism thereby making the community/region a better place.
2023 Friends of the Foundation Honorees:

Walt and Ruth Reisner & Dr. Lewis and Doris Reisner
2023 Luncheon Photos
2015 Friends of the Foundation Honorees:

Ben (posthumously) and Rose Schwabenbauer
2015 Luncheon Photos
2014 Friends of the Foundation Honorees:

Tyler Bihler Memorial Scholarship Committee Members:
Kim, Shawn and Josh Bihler, Lori, Ron and Marlene Anastasia
2014 Luncheon Photos
2013 Friends of the Foundation Honorees:

Erick and Marianne Laine...

...and Peter Laine
2013 Luncheon Photos
2012 Friends of the Foundation Honorees:

Jonathan Teuscher Scholarship Committee Members:
Steve and Donna Teuscher, Bill and Paula Teuscher, Kim Teuscher, Gregg Prockton, Dr. Colleen Taggerty and Dave and Karen Todd
The Teuscher Committee
2012 Luncheon Photos
2011 Friends of the Foundation Honorees:

Mildred “Millie” Milliman (posthumously)
2015 Luncheon Photos
2010 Friends of the Foundation Honorees:

Carroll and Dolores Anstaett
2009 Friends of the Foundation Honorees:

John J. “Jack” and Louise Murphy
2008 Friends of the Foundation Honorees:

Russel Hurlburt...

...and Betty Pappas