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Five Franklinville graduates receive CRCF scholarships

Thu, Jun 13th 2024 01:00 pm

Five Ten Broeck Academy/Franklinville Central School District Students received Cattaraugus Region Community Foundation-managed scholarships.

Elizabeth Hayden and Noah Shenk each received the Walter F. and Julia A. Dziekonski Scholarship for $2,700.

The scholarship, part of the Ten Broeck academy and Franklinville Central School District Fund, is awarded to two graduates annually, one male and one female, with strong career goals. Preference may be given to students pursuing a degree in a law enforcement-related field.

Hayden plans to study environmental science at Chatham University. Shenk will study history at Jamestown Community College.

Kathryn Hatch received the Jen DeLong Memorial Scholarship for $1,000 and the Maryetta’s Mission Scholarship for $500.

The DeLong Scholarship, established in memory of Jen DeLong, is for a graduating senior from Ten Broeck Academy/Franklinville Central School District who is pursuing a career in or demonstrates excellence in STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) and music subject areas, with preference for a female student.

The Maryetta’s Mission Scholarship is for students who are entering or currently in a post-secondary program for Christian-based ministerial studies, and who is a resident of Western Pennsylvania or Western New York, and who has submitted a transcript from their first semester or fall semester of study with at least a 2.5 GPA.

Hatch plans to study music at Houghton College.

Luciana Marchese received the Kathy Jowsey Spirit Memorial Scholarship for $1,200.

The Kathy Jowsey Spirit Memorial Scholarship, made in Jowsey’s memory, is for graduates of Ten Broeck Academy/Franklinville High School who have worked hard academically, and exemplify school spirit through extracurricular activities, sports and/or volunteerism. Preference for this scholarship is given to students majoring in business, accounting, sports management or journalism.

Marchese plans to study physical therapy at Bowling Green State University.

Tyyetta Herman received the Terrence and Judith Mark Scholarship, a $1,000 scholarship, and the Patricia “Ann” Heister English/Journalism Memorial Scholarship for $800.

The Terrence and Judith Mark Scholarship is for graduating seniors of Ten Broeck Academy/Franklinville High School who will be attending a 2- or 4-year college who are in good academic standing and have participated in at least two extracurricular activities. The scholarship was established by Terrence Mark, a former Franklinville educator, and his wife Judith Mark.

The Heister scholarship, in memory of the long-time Franklinville English teacher, is awarded annually to a graduating senior from Ten Broeck Academy/Franklinville Central School who will be entering a four-year college or university. First preference is for a student intending to major in English, journalism or a related field and who submits a letter of recommendation from his/her high school English teacher. Second preference is for a student with any major who submits a letter of recommendation from his/her high school English teacher.

Herman plans to attend Bowling Green State University to study physical therapy.

Donations can be made to any of these funds at CRCF, 301 North Union St., Suite 203 or online at cattfoundation.org.

The Cattaraugus Region Community Foundation is the area’s supportive, responsive and trusted community foundation. Established in 1994, CRCF is growing good by connecting donors to the causes they care about most in the region. Grants from the foundation support many areas, including education, scholarships, health care, the arts, community development, human service, and youth development. To learn more, call (716) 301-CRCF (2723), email [email protected], or visit online at www.cattfoundation.org. CRCF is also on Facebook (facebook.com/cattfoundation) and Twitter (@CattFoundation).