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Six local graduates receive Schaumleffel, other CRCF awards

Thu, Aug 22nd 2024 11:00 am

Six area graduates have been awarded scholarships from funds stewarded by the Cattaraugus Region Community Foundation.

Mia Giannicchi of Allegany-Limestone received the Robert and Marjorie Schaumleffel Rotary Scholarship for $1,000.

This scholarship, established in memory of Robert and Marjorie Schaumleffel, is for a graduating senior of Olean, Portville or Allegany-Limestone who is an active member of the Rotary Interact Club who writes an outstanding essay on the meaning of the rotary saying “service above self.”

Giannicchi will attend the University of Florida.

Lilli Khettry of Olean received the Robert E. Hull VMD Memorial Scholarship for $2,500.

Established in memory of Robert Hull, an Olean native who went on to a long, successful career in veterinary medicine in Pittsburgh, PA, this scholarship is for students who demonstrate  academic success (minimum GPA 3.0 or better) and who intend to pursue a degree at a 2- or 4-year college in a field of the sciences. Preference is given first to minorities graduating from Olean High School (Dr. Hull’s alma mater) with second preference for girls graduating from Olean High School. Any Cattaraugus County graduating senior may also be considered.

Khettry will attend the University of Pittsburgh.

Riti Anumalasetty of Olean received The Good Samaritan Award for $500.

The scholarship, established by Pierre Eade, an Olean High School educational wall-of-famer and founder of the Olean Homeless Huskies, is awarded to an Olean High School graduate who demonstrates and models exceptional qualities of care, compassion and concern for fellow students and community. The recipient must have participated in one or more Homeless Huskie Night events during his/her tenure at OHS or have been involved in other forms of community service.

Anumalasetty will study biology at St. Bonaventure University.

Nicholas Jones of Olean received the Thomas W. Conklin, Sr. Scholarship for $1,000

The Thomas W. Conklin Sr. Scholarship, is for a graduating senior of Allegany-Limestone Central or Olean High School attending the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford.

The student must have maintained an overall grade point average of 85 or above during his or her high school career and exhibited high academic effort. The student must exhibit certain intangible qualities including: kindness to others, leadership, positive attitude, and sense of humor. The student must demonstrate past involvement in the community. Mr. Conklin’s family and co-workers at KOA Speer Electronics in Bradford, PA established the scholarship in his memory.

Jones will study broadcast communications at the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford.                

Tyler Cross of Olean received the Tim Bushnell Memorial Scholarship for $1,000.

This scholarship, established in memory of Tim Bushnell, a former educator at Southern Tier Catholic School, Olean Middle School and Cuba-Rushford Central School, is awarded to a student in good academic standing, demonstrates financial need and plans to attend a 2- or 4-year college.

Cross will attend Jamestown Community College to study media arts.

Lexi Benjamin of Olean received the Two Joes Scholarship for $500.

This fund supports an annual scholarship in the name of community-minded businessmen, Joe Sgro and Joe DeRose, for a Cattaraugus County student interested in pursuing a degree in technology, marketing, communications, business, or a related field.

Benjamin will study fashion merchandising at Mercyhurst University.

Donations can be made to any of these funds at CRCF, 301 North Union Street, Suite 203, or online at cattfoundation.org.

The Cattaraugus Region Community Foundation is the area’s supportive, responsive and trusted community foundation. Established in 1994, CRCF is growing good by connecting donors to the causes they care about most in the region. Grants from the foundation support many areas, including education, scholarships, health care, the arts, community development, human service, and youth development. To learn more, call (716) 301-CRCF (2723), email [email protected], or visit online at www.cattfoundation.org. CRCF is also on Facebook (facebook.com/cattfoundation) and Twitter (@CattFoundation).