Fri, Jun 26th 2020 02:35 pm
Six graduating Olean High School seniors recently received scholarship awards from funds managed by the Cattaraugus Region Community Foundation.
Wed, Jun 24th 2020 09:00 am
Six graduating Olean High School seniors recently received scholarship awards established in memory of local residents and managed by the Cattaraugus Region Community Foundation.
Mon, Jun 22nd 2020 01:00 pm
Four area graduating students recently received the John J. Murphy Family Scholarship, managed by the Cattaraugus Region Community Foundation.
Wed, Jun 17th 2020 01:55 pm
Six graduating Allegany-Limestone Central School seniors recently received scholarship awards established by area residents or in memory of late community members from scholarship funds managed by the Cattaraugus Region Community Foundation.
Thu, Jun 11th 2020 09:00 am
Cattaraugus Gives, a day of giving for the Cattaraugus County region led by the Cattaraugus Region Community Foundation, is set to return in 2020.
Wed, Jun 10th 2020 10:00 am
Four graduating students of Hinsdale Central School recently received scholarship awards from scholarship funds managed by the Cattaraugus Region Community Foundation.
Thu, Jun 4th 2020 03:00 pm
As businesses in the Western New York region begin moving into phase 2 of the New York State COVID-19 reopening process, the Cattaraugus Region Community Foundation office will reopen June 8 with new policies and guidelines for visitors.
Thu, Jun 4th 2020 08:55 am
An integral part of any friendship is a willingness to help one another.
Time and time again Dr. Ashok and Dr. Yogini Kothari have stepped up to help the Cattaraugus Region Community Foundation and the community as a whole in numerous ways.
Tue, Jun 2nd 2020 08:00 am
The 4th annual Elisa's Run for the Arts will be held virtually on June 13 at 10 a.m. to raise money for the Elisa Hughey Scholarship for the Arts at the Cattaraugus Region Community Foundation.
Mon, Jun 1st 2020 10:00 am
A number of area nonprofit organizations recently together received over $20,000 from endowment funds managed by the Cattaraugus Region Community Foundation.
Tue, May 26th 2020 08:40 am
Grant applications for the second round of funding from the COVID-19 Response Fund for Cattaraugus County will be available beginning June 1.
Mon, May 18th 2020 01:00 pm
Area service clubs together raised $6,075 for the COVID-19 Response Fund for Cattaraugus County during the Service Above Self Challenge, exceeding the $5,000 goal and challenge grant offered by the Cattaraugus Region Community Foundation.
Fri, May 8th 2020 01:00 pm
Allegany County, NY, May 8, 2020 - The Allegany-Cattaraugus-Chautauqua Fund for Women (ACC FFW) is excited to announce our 3rd annual Mother's Day campaign. As we prepare to award 5 individual grants in 2020, we are seeking support to continue expanding our reach, since there is much more work to be done.
Thu, Apr 30th 2020 03:00 pm
Area service clubs will be engaging in friendly competition to give back through the Service Above Self Challenge to raise funds for the COVID-19 Response Fund for Cattaraugus County.
Tue, Apr 21st 2020 02:40 pm
Twelve nonprofits assisting Cattaraugus County residents impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic have received a total of $27,000 in grants from the COVID-19 Response Fund for Cattaraugus County to help them provide for the basic needs of the county's most vulnerable populations.
Fri, Apr 10th 2020 10:00 am
Leaders of the COVID-19 Response Fund for Cattaraugus County recommended four local nonprofits to the Western New York Covid-19 Community Response Fund as potential grant recipients and together this week they received almost $130,000 to support their efforts to help those impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak.
Fri, Apr 3rd 2020 11:00 am
The COVID-19 Response Fund for Cattaraugus County has raised almost $30,000 in donations, but additional donations are still being sought to meet increasing needs from nonprofits.
Fri, Mar 20th 2020 03:00 pm
In response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the Cattaraugus Region Community Foundation and other area funding organizations are collaborating to lead a coordinated philanthropic response by establishing the COVID -19 Response Fund.
Tue, Mar 17th 2020 03:00 pm
After careful consideration by the Cattaraugus Region Community Foundation's board of directors and staff, CRCF's scholarship deadline will remain April 1.
Mon, Mar 16th 2020 10:00 am
It has been years since the Allegany/Olean area has had a public skate park, but a group of dedicated volunteers are working to change that by leading efforts to fundraise for and construct the Allegany River Skate Park.
Mon, Mar 9th 2020 04:00 pm
For hundreds of athletes over the years, "Grandpa Jack" Reading was a constant - an always smiling face and a calming presence - at the top of the hill.
Fri, Mar 6th 2020 11:00 am
Applications for grants from the Cattaraugus Region Community Foundation's Community Fund are due April 21.
Tue, Mar 3rd 2020 02:00 pm
SK8EVL raffled off a pair of skis and a snowboard during the Bad Ski Suit Party held Saturday, February 29th at Madigan's, raising $2,500 for the Ellicottville Skatepark Fund. Jeff Andreano won the Elan Ripstick 86 skis donated by Mud, Sweat n' Gears, and Ryan Peterson won the commemorative Crown Royal snowboard donated by Doug Anderson. Madigan's donated the cover charges from the Bad Ski Suit Party to SK8EVL to raise even more money for the skatepark.
Fri, Feb 28th 2020 11:00 am
With the support of the F. Donald Kenney Fund at the Cattaraugus Region Community Foundation, the Tri-County Arts Council will be holding the first solo show of the Southern Tier Biennial in its new gallery space this fall.
Tue, Feb 25th 2020 01:00 pm
The Ellicottville Skatepark Committee (SK8EVL) and Finnerty's Tap Room will host SOUP-to-SKATE, a fundraising event in support of the Ellicottville Skatepark on Sunday, March 29th from 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. at Finnerty's downtown Ellicottville location.
Tue, Feb 25th 2020 11:00 am
The recently established Mike and Laura Bysiek Memorial Fund, managed by the Cattaraugus Region Community Foundation, made possible a total of $1,000 in grants to six organizations in the fund's inaugural year.
Wed, Feb 19th 2020 09:00 am
From adoption as a foster child to some of the highest courts in the United States, Ginger Schroder thanks her education for most of her life's accomplishments.
Tue, Feb 18th 2020 11:00 am
With support of the Redding Endowment Fund at the Cattaraugus Region Community Foundation, third grade classrooms at Eastview Elementary were equipped with a new series of books creatively combining math work and character education.
Tue, Feb 18th 2020 09:45 am
SK8EVL will give away a pair of Elan Ripstick 86 skis retailed at $599, and a commemorative Crown Royal snowboard during the Bad Ski Suit Party to be held Saturday, February 29, 2020 at Madigan's, 36 Washington St., downtown Ellicottville. The skis, donated by Mud Sweat n' Gears, and the snowboard, donated by Doug Anderson, will help raise money to construct a permanent concrete skatepark in Ellicottville's Village Park.
Wed, Feb 12th 2020 12:00 pm
In 2019, 100 individuals received a reminder to love themselves, thanks to the Love Yourself Valentines Day program at the YMCA, supported by a grant from the Mental Wellness in Cattaraugus County Fund.
With the support of a second grant from the Mental Wellness in Cattaraugus County Fund, attendees received that same assuring reminder this year at the second annual "Love yourself - You Matter" event, led by the YMCA and ReHabiliation Center's Swizzy's Cause program.
Tue, Feb 4th 2020 12:00 pm
Friends and Family of Elisa Hughey have honored her memory through the Elisa B. Hughey Scholarship for the Arts since she lost her battle with cancer in 2016.
Mon, Feb 3rd 2020 09:00 am
Announcing the open period for grant applications through the Allegany-Cattaraugus-Chautauqua Fund for Women (ACC-FFW). Grant applications, for individual grants, are being accepted February 1 through March 15, 2020. A thorough review of applications will precede an award announcement on or around April 30, 2020.
Wed, Jan 29th 2020 02:00 pm
Allegany-Limestone Central School students seeking enrichment outside of the general curriculum can apply now for the Ratana Ratanawongsa Scholarship, managed by the Cattaraugus Region Community Foundation.
Tue, Jan 28th 2020 09:00 am
The Cattaraugus County Trappers Association recently established a new scholarship at the Cattaraugus Region Community Foundation that will support aspiring conservationists and outdoor enthusiasts in their educational pursuits.
Tue, Jan 14th 2020 10:00 am
Area students can begin applying for scholarships managed by the Cattaraugus Region Community Foundation on February 1.
Fri, Jan 10th 2020 12:35 pm
The deadline for Leadership Cattaraugus scholarship applications has been extended to January 31.
Wed, Jan 8th 2020 11:00 am
The Cattaraugus Region Community Foundation recently elected Shabana Chauhdry to join its board of directors in 2020 and re-elected five members currently serving and its slate of officers for 2020.
Mon, Jan 6th 2020 10:00 am
The Cattaraugus Region Community Foundation celebrated its 25th anniversary in 2019, staying true to its mission of "growing good" by awarding a new record total in grants - over $1.6 million for local, state and national nonprofits and charitable causes.
Thu, Jan 2nd 2020 03:00 pm
Sisters Jean Gonska and Lorraine Diggs learned their family-first values from their loving parents, Mike and Laura Bysiek.
Recently the pair decided to leave a lasting legacy in memory of their parents by establishing the Mike & Laura Bysiek Memorial Fund at the Cattaraugus Region Community Foundation to support a number of nonprofit organizations in the community each year.
Wed, Dec 18th 2019 03:00 pm
Armed with carts and detailed shopping lists, 11 Cattaraugus County Sheriff deputies took to the aisles of Walmart on a special mission, to deliver Christmas to needy area families.